DR: Party Delegates Authorized to Record Vote Count

January 19, 2024 Hour: 5:45 pm
On late Thursday, it was reported on local media that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) of the Dominican Republic authorized the recording of the vote count of next February’s municipal elections, with cell phones or any other electronic device.
The provision is contained in Resolution 3-2024 approved by the plenary of the JCE, which allows party delegates accredited at the polling stations to record the count.
These persons must have a credential of scrutiny observer provided by the JCE and in case of a situation that alters the normal development of the process.
JCE y OEA firmán acuerdo para procedimiento de misión de observadores de elecciones en RD en 2024. La JCE garantizará a la Misión el libre desplazamiento en el país. Mientras, los observadores podrán emitir informes públicos y periódicos como resultado de la observación in situ pic.twitter.com/oXJ1pJEdMb
— José Armando Polanco Peña (@JArmandoPolanco)
January 19, 2024
The tweet reads, “JCE and OAS sign agreement for election observer mission procedure in the DR in 2024. The JCE will guarantee the Mission free movement in the country. Meanwhile, observers will be able to issue public and periodic reports as a result of on-site observation.”
Furthermore, the president of the polling station may request the intervention of the electoral military police, according to the regulations.
Besides the delegates of the different political forces, about 15 international organizations were invited to participate as electoral observers during the municipal elections of February 18 and the presidential elections of May.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: The Star